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A dream doesn’t become reality through Magic, It takes sweat, determination and hard work By Abbas

A dream doesn’t become reality through Magic, It takes sweat, determination and hard work

  I CJUO Sataish Abbas M from Nation Degree College Basavanagudi 1/5 company, 7 Karnataka battalion Bangalore “B” group, Karnataka and Goa directorate India.
ncc story

 First off all i would like to welcome the enthusiast of the world of ncc and defence.

 I joined Ncc during my school (St Patrick’s Boys High School) at the age 13 as junior division (JD) from Air wing ncc 2 Air sqn ncc Bangalore “B” group Karnataka and Goa directorate India.
In total it was a 5 years of experience in ncc both as a JD (Junior division) at school level and SD (Senior division) at college level. NCC in my school was my root system.
 I was once a stone and now I am a sculpture which includes the hard work of my parents my seniors and my batchmates. 
 I have represented Karnataka and Goa directorate Ncc for Republic Day Camp (New Delhi) in the year 2017, as a part of Prime minister rally which is held on 28th of January every year. 

 My experience and journey begins with the following, I tried for Rdc three times. In the 1st year i was rejected in RDC-pre IGG-2 camp in the year 2014-15, because my drill standards where not comparatively high as expected for the selection standards. 

  I didn’t let my dreams fade at the snap of a finger. I gave it an another try but unfortunately i was rejected in 2nd attempt in RDC-IGC (Mysore) in the year 2015-2016. 

  Since I was only a part of the drill and they where expecting more from the cadets as it was no ordinary camp but a national camp. 

   I put in all my hard work and determination to practice my drill 5 hrs a day to improve the standards of my drill. My seniors and my batchmates played a major role in helping me out with my drill. They where my support system. I wanted to make sure my drill standards where up to the mark so i went up to my Battalion Commanding Officer (CO) Col PK Singh sir, and asked him about the mistake i had made because of which i was not a part of RDC 2016 team. 

  He responded to me with an example 
He asked me if there where 3 cadets 
*No 1 if he was only in drill,  
*No 2 if he was both a part of drill and  culturals, 
*No 3 if he was a part of drill,culturals, best cadet etc events. 
He asked me who would be more capable of being a part of Rdc. 
I replied:- no 3 sir. 
He replied saying, a Rdc cadet is a best example of an all rounder, he has to be able to manage everything rather than single event. 
He then suggested me to learn culturals and to be a part of it along side my drill. 

   I came back home with determination and dedication to be a part of Rdc and i started working with even more efforts and started practising 6 hrs a day as it was my dream and a challenge to achieve it. 

  I practiced for 3 hrs in the morning before college started, 3 hrs in the evening after college ended. As it was a sign of a Rdc cadet to manage everything in a given time limit. 

  My dad has always been my inspiration as he was also a Ncc cadet in the batch of 1993-94. He was a part of RDC and TSC but unfortunately couldn’t achieve it. He looked of all his dreams in me, he put in all his efforts and trained me to achieve it. 

  When serving the nation is the only motive nothing can stop you from doing it. If not Rdc or Tsc he is today at better place with a lot more achievements. He is currently in the post of leading fire men (head constable) working in Karnataka State Fire and Emergency Services (KSFS). He has received 2 prestigious awards for his selfless service to the state and the nation. He received the Kempe Gowda Award in the year 2011 and Chief Minister Award in the year 2013. He has always trained me for drill, physical fitness and more over in making me a better person and who I am today. 

  In my 3rd year i tried with the hope of achieving my dream. It was difficult to manage both college and Ncc as i had to miss a lot of classes because i had to attend my camps, which resulted in me having 15 back logs in B Sc (Chemistry Botany and Zoology). 
I had a year back but, Rdc was equally important to me as i had a support from my family,friends,ANO etc. 

   I was selected for the 1st camp as the part of Both drill and culturals, it was mandatory for the top 10 cadets of drill to be a part of culturals as well. I was fortunate enough that i was one among the 10 cadets and i was finally a part of RDC-IGC team 2016-2017. There where 700+ cadets and there was a of competition of 1:7 ratio. 150+ cadets where selected for the next camp that was RDC pre RDC 1 and i was one amongst them. 

  I was selected for pre Rdc-1, my main aim was to become the PC (Parade Commander) because of my voice and my commands as that was what they were looking for. 

  My height was an advantage to me, I was 6.1” ft so my GTO (Ground Traning Officer) suggested me to become the DD (Diane Darshak) Right marker of my drill contingent. So I could make use of my height to aling the lines. 

  In pre Rdc-2, 120+ cadets where filtered from the k&g drt and I was one among who went forward, I was confident of being a part of Rdc that year (2017). I was quite positive that I was doing well and that my name was in the list of Rdc 2017. 
To my bad I was not nominated for Gourd Of Honour (GOH). I made sure that I would put in all my efforts and give it my best shot in Rajpath selections. 

  Finally my name was there in the list RD cadets going to New Delhi, It was the best moment in my life. My parents,seniors,batchmate & juniors came to send me off to New Delhi. They where really proud that i could achieve so much and celebrated it by cutting cakes and also having a celebration at kempe Gowda railway station Majestic. We departed from Bangalore and the journey to Delhi was the most beautiful and memorable  one. 

  We had a young, energetic, enthusiastic and a very motivating ANO. Lt. Akshay D Mandlik, he was a great leader and more over a very down to earth and supporting person . I have always admired him and i still do a lot. He always thought me to be responsible and to complete my work on time. I started following him in every aspects from his dressing senses to the way he spoke. He has always inspired me and has played a major role in making my dreams into reality.

  On the 2nd day of RDC at New Delhi there were selection for Rajpath and i was awaiting to give it my best shot. I gave my best in the selection there where more than 2000 + cadets taking  part in the selections. They made us stand according to our height, we where all standing in the assisted places according to our height. I saw a tall guy on my right with a pag and beard, he was physically fit and we spoke regarding the selection procedure. The selection began with the command tez chal all the 9 of us started to march then we where  commanded to do dhaine dekh. Then chest number 4 was called out it took me few minutes to release that it was me who’s chest number was being called. I was selected in 1st Round and was quite confident, that I would march on Rajpath. As It was always my dream to march on Rajpath and I saw it happening, we where called for a 2nd round selection where we followed the same procedure but unfortunately i wasn’t selected which put my hopes down. 

   I went back to my belate (Barack’s) and called my senior CSUO.Jerry Blaze, he has also completed RDC in the year 2013-2014 and also YEP(Russia). He is now serving as a Lieutenant in the Indian army in his parental regiment 27th battalion of MEG(Madras Engineering Group). I was spoke to him and told him that my dream was to march on Rajpath and not on PM rally. 
He replied asking me if I knew the value of the ground and that if I knew captain Vikram Batra(PVC) sir?

   I said he is my inspiration and I knew that he had also marched on PM rally in 1995-96 and that was where I found my answer.
Even thoug he him self had marched on PM rally, he gave me an example of the of the inspiration of millions Captian Vikram Batra(PVC) sir. It shows how much passionate about defence. He told me that very few get an opportunity to march on Field Marshal K M Cariappa ground. He made me feel proud of what I was doing, and didn’t give me a chance to judge my own capabilities. I greated him with jai hind and stared off my further practice for PM rally with a positive mind set. When ever I stepped on to the ground i alway bowed my head in respect to the ground and also paid respect by doing salami shastr. 

  I got a great opportunity to meet the Vice President of India sir Mohammad Hamid Ansari and COAS (Chief Of Army Staff) General Vipin Rawath sir. 

  There was a drill competition that was conducted in mid January, I was fortunate enough to be a part of a drill as the DD of my contingent. Our hard work paid off and we won the over all 3rd place in the drill competition. I was really lucky that I was a part of wining drill contingent. 

  We stared practicing for PM rally and finally i got an opportunity to get a glimpse of our honourable Prime Minister Narendra Damodardas Modi sir, at a distance of 4-5 meters. It was time for our directorate to pay respect to the Prime Minister by saluting that was when, i witnessed a man with great power and humanity who was also an ncc cadet during his time, the pride and honour was seen on his face as the cadet marched on the ground. We got the All India runner up trophy and we saw a lot of proud faces. 

  We where back with lots of memories and lessons to look back at. We got an opportunity to visit Chief Minister of Karnataka at Vidhana Soudha and Governor of Karnataka house visit at Raj Bhavan etc. 
One of the most memorable day was the day of my felicitation.I have also received the Chief Minister commendation card in the year 2018 at Raj bhavan .Our colleges had invited our parents and felicitated us which made my dad very proud, i could see that smile and tears rolling down his cheeks. Those where the tears of happiness which also made me happy that I could make my dad proud. I’ll put in all my efforts to join the defence and make him even more proud. 

  Both me and my brother tried for Rdc but he was rejected my in RDC-IGC, he did not let my dad down by his rejection but made him feel even more proud by joining Indian Airforce at the age of 17 years and 6 months.

  It is now my turn to earn those 2 stars on my shoulder which has always been my dream as "Two starts on my shoulder are equal to Millions in the sky”. 
Few of the most important qualities that I learnt a cadet needs to posses are:
1. Have a attitude of never giving up.
2. Do not listen to ppl who put you down.
3. Never try to copy anyone in any way, be yourself.
4. Your turnout maters a lot.
 5. Work hard without giving any kind of reasons if you are determined to achieve your goals. 
6. Studies and college are equally important and has to be managed simultaneously.

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Astitwa said...

I liket it ... nice story

Abbas 2k17 said...

Thanks a lot astitwa ��

Unknown said...

Wow #respect inspirational🖤

Anonymous said...

EXPERIENCE what it feels like to be the best #Be an NCC Cadet. Massive Respect to this every green Organization. Well done Abbas.

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