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REVIEW OF TRG 2020-2021 

Directorate Gen NCC
Training Directorate
West Block-IV, RK Puram
New Delhi – 110066

No 4359/Training Directive / DG NCC/Training A  08  May 2020

List A

REVIEW OF TRG 2020-2021 

1. The current sit of lockdowns in the country due to COVID-19, necessitates review of trg for the Trg yr 2020-21. A fresh review will be done in mid Aug/ early Sept keeping in view the prevailing sit. 

2. The review on conduct of trg is as follows:-
Institutional Trg. Online trg of theory subjects is under prep and will be utilized for self-learning by cdts and/ or online classes by ANOs/ PI staff. Conduct of theory classes for cdts by PI staff & ANOs will commence after 01 Aug 20 for enrolled cdts based on GoI orders. For fresh cdts, it will commence after enrolment.  
(b)   Cert  Examination ('A', 'B', & 'C').

(i)   Attendance of min 60% wef  01 Sep 20 to 31 Mar 21.
(ii)  Conduct of Camps for Cert Examination. The fwg will be conducted:-
(aa)   Cert 'A'.  Two days cadre will be conducted, for JD and JW cdts at unit level, in which practical subjects will be conducted. Internal assessment/validation by the unit staff will be carried out.
(ab)   Cert 'B'. Camps for three days duration will be conducted for SD and SW cdts. Keeping the social distancing factor in mind more no of camps with reduced str will be conducted.
(ac)    Cert 'C'.   Camps for five days duration will be conducted for SD and SW cdts. More no of camps. For each batch of five days with lesser str, in order to maint social distancing.
(iii)   Conduct of A, B & C Cert Examination.   The exams be conducted as per SNCCO 2020. Any change will be intimated later. 

3. The fwg will be reviewed in Sept 20:-
(a)    Institutional Trg.  As per Para 2 (a) above.
   ATCs/CATCs Detls. As per Para 2 (b) above.
COCs (less RDC).
(i)   Service Camps. Will be conducted with reduced str. TSC to be re-scheduled to Oct 2020. TSC/VSC/NSC will be tentatively scheduled in             Oct 2020. 
(ii)   SNICs. All SNICs will be conducted. SNICs at Leh & Kohima to be planned in Sep 2020 and  Mar 2021 respectively. 
(iii)  EBSBs. All EBSBs upto Aug 2020 stand cancelled. Only One EBSB per Dte and two for NER to be planned as per Appx att.
(iv)  ALCs. All cancelled.
(v)  Treks & RCTC Adventure Camps. All till 31 Aug 20 are cancelled. All later Treks & RCTC Adventure Camps, will be conducted at Dte level only, for cdts of that Dte. 
(d)    RDC.  Will be reviewed in Sep 2020.
(e)    Army Att Trg.
(i)    IMA/OTA Att Trg. Att at IMA & OTA is planned to be re-scheduled in Dec 2020 & Mar 2021(if not feasible in Oct 20) respectively. To be reviewed in Sep 2020.
(ii)   Mil Fmn/ Est Att Trg. To be reviewed in Sept 2020.
(f)    Naval Events.
(i)   Navy Att Trg. Sea Att at Kochi, Mumbai and Technical Training Camps will be reviewed in Sep 2020.
(ii)   Spl Yachting Training Camps. All Camps planned be rescheduled in Nov/Dec 2020, in consultation with IHQ Navy & respective INWTC Nodes. To be reviewed in Sep 2020.
(iii)   MENU. Planned to  be scheduled from Sep onwards based on sit. 
(iv)   ANOs Refresher and Pre Commission Courses. Refresher course at Kochi may be re-scheduled on commencement of Naval Trg. 
(v)   Foreign Cruise. As and when as per schedule recd from Naval HQ.
(g)    Air Force.
(i)   AF Att Trg. Re- scheduling of att trg with  AF Stns and AFA Hyderabad will be reviewed in Sep 2020. 
(ii)   ANO Courses. To be reviewed in Sep 2020. 
(iii)   Flying. Will be reviewed in Jun 2020.
(h)    Adventure Courses. To be reviewed in 1st week of Sep 2020.
(j)     OTA Courses. To be reviewed in Sep 2020.
(i)    Priority will be given for conduct of PRCN courses. Review on PRCN & refresher will be taken in Sept 2020.
(ii)   SSB(SW) Course at OTA(G) will not be conducted. The SSB camp for  SD and SW cdts to be conducted by respective State dtes. To be reviewed in Sep 2020.
(k) Sports.
(i)   IDSSC. To be reviewed in Sep 2020. Ltd time for prep will be avbl incase NRAI conducts AIGVMSC & National Tournament, in later part of the yr. 
(l) YEP. To be reviewed in Sep 2020.
(m) SSCD Activities. To be reviewed in Sep 2020.

4. Views on the conduct of trg for Trg yr 2020-2021 are solicited from state dtes by 12 May 20. This letter be put up to ADG/Comdt/ DDG.

(Ajay Kumar Mahajan)
Brig Trg
for DG NCC
(Ref Para 3(c)(iii) of letter No 4359/Training Directive/DG NCC/Training A dt 08 May 20)


1. AP &Telangana - Odisha

2. Bihar & Jharkhand - North Eastern Region (NER)

3. Delhi           - Rajasthan

4. Punjab, HP, Haryana & Chandigarh- J K & Ladakh

5. MP &Chhatisgarh - Gujarat

6. Karnataka & Goa - Maharashtra

7. Kerala & Lakshadweep     -          TN, Puducherry, A & N
8. West Bengal & Sikkim       - North Eastern Region (NER)
9. Uttar Pradesh           - Uttarakhand

Note:- NER Dte – Two EBSBs ( One each of Guest Dtes of Bihar & Jh and WB & S Dtes)

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