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(part 2)19 General Knowledge Question Ncc cadets must know By Ncc-Stories

(part-2) 19 General Knowledge Question Ncc cadets must know  By Ncc-Stories

1. What in NCC is a Senior Division (SD)?

That Division of NCC, to which male students from Colleges and Plus Two institutions (XI and XII classes) are enrolled, is referred as a Senior Division (SD)

2. What in NCC is a Senior Wing (SW)?

That Division of NCC, to which female students from Colleges and Plus Two institutions (XI and XII classes) are enrolled, is referred as a Senior Wing (SW)? 

3. What in NCC is a Junior Division (JD)?

That Division of NCC, to which male students from schools (of 13 Years or more of age) are enrolled, is referred as a Junior Division (JD)

4. What is a NCC Company?

The basic functional sub-unit in colleges and Plus Two institutions, having SW/SD Cadets is a Company. It is mandatory that the cadets of a particular company are from the same institution having the sub-unit. However, there is a provision for a system of giving Open Vacancy specifically to a NCC Sub-unit of some institutions, as a special case, where students from other institutions which are not holding NCC can also join. 

5. What is a NCC Troop?

The basic functional sub-unit in schools, having JW/JD Cadets, is a Troop.

6. How many NCC units can be allotted to an institution?

There are no fixed numbers.
7. What are the Teacher’s/Instructors (at the Schools) and Lecturers/ Professors/ Instructors (at the Colleges) with the NCC known as?They are referred to as: Associate NCC Officers (ANO’s).

8. Who is responsible for the conduct of NCC activities in an institution?

The ANO. He is in control of the cadets and is responsible to plan and organize training with the assistance of the Permanent Instructional (PI) staff, detailed by the NCC unit.

9. NCC Officer (ANO) is the main key functionary of NCC in Colleges/ Schools. What role does the Head Master/Principal play in the implementation of this program?

Since NCC is a part of the educational programme, the primary responsibility rests with the Principal/ Headmaster. Their close association with all the activities of the sub-unit in their institution will facilitate the former doing well. Periodic visit to parades, formal inspection of the sub unit once a month on a fixed day, visit to training camps in which his/her sub- unit is participating and so on will significantly contribute in achieving the Aims of the NCC programme.

10. Do ANO’s get orientation training enabling them to undertake their NCC responsibilities?


11. What is the age limit for a student to join NCC?

For JD/JW Cadets : 12 -18.5 Years
For SD/SW Cadets : Upto 26 years of age.

12. Are there any Physical Criterion for a Student to join NCC? If so what are they?

Yes. They are specified at Rule 5(d) and 6(d) of the NCC Rules.

13. Are any fees to be paid for enrolment as an NCC Cadet?

No fees are to be paid. A token amount of money as yearly Regimental subscription and Cadet Welfare Society contribution is required to be paid by every cadet.

14. What is the duration of the NCC Programme as an NCC Cadet?

For JD/JW Cadets: Two Years.
For SD/SW Cadets: Three Years with one year extension.

15. What is the uniform in NCC ?

Army cadets wear khaki uniform. Naval cadets wear white uniform of Navy. Air Force cadets wear blue uniform similar to the Air Force.

16. Is it compulsory to wear NCC uniform?


17. As a JD/JW Cadet what NCC certificate will I earn?

‘A’ Certificate.

18. As a SD/SW cadet what NCC certificate(s) will I earn?

‘B’and ‘C’ Certificates.

19. Is it compulsory to attend NCC Camps?


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