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(part 1) 19 General Knowledge Question Ncc cadets must know By Ncc-Stories

(part 1) 19 General Knowledge Question Ncc cadets must know  By Ncc-Stories

1.What is/are the Aim(s) of NCC?

  • To develop character, commandership, discipline , leadership, secular outlook , sprit of adventure and the ideals of selfless service amongst the youth of the country.
  • To create a human resource of organized, trained and motivate youth to provide leadership in all walks of life and always available for the service of the nation .
  • To provide a suitable environment to motivate the youth to take up a career in the Armed Forces.

2. What is the Motto of NCC?

The motto of NCC is:“ UNITY AND DISCIPLINE”.

3. What is the NCC symbol/insignia?

It is the NCC Crest in gold in the middle, with the letters “NCC”; encircled by a wreath of seventeen lotus with a background in Red, Blue and Light blue.

4. What does the colour Red depicts in the NCC Crest?

Red depicts the Army. 
5. What do the colours Dark Blue and Light blue in the NCC Crest depict?
Deep Blue depicts the Navy and Light Blue depicts the Air Force.

6. What do the Lotus flowers depicts in NCC Crest?

The seventeen lotuses represent the 17 State Directorates.

7. When is the NCC Day observed?

The NCC Day is observed on the four Sunday of November.

8. Which Ministry at the National level deals with NCC?

The Ministry of Defence.

9. Which Ministry deals with NCC in all States?


10. What are the arrangements for Finances/Funds for NCC?

The funds are shared by the Central and State Govts.

11. What is Directorate General NCC?

It is the national level HQ.

12. What is the composition of Directorate General NCC?

It is headed by the Director General (DG), an Army Officer of the rank of Lieutnant General. The DG is assisted by two Additional Directors General (ADG), one a Major General from the Army and other a Rear Admiral from the Navy or an Air Vice Marshal from the Air Force. The Director General has a staff which is drawn from the three services - Army, Navy and Air Force. There are five Deputy Directors  General (DD’sG) of the rank of Brigadier and equivalent, of which three are Brigadiers and one either a Commodore (Navy) or an Air Commodore (Air Force) and one a civilian officer. 

13. Where is the NCC Headquarter at the National level located?

At New Delhi.

15. What is a NCC Directorate?

The NCC at the state level is divided into 17 Directorates, in which each state or group of states forms a Directorate. The smaller states and union territories are attached with Directorates of the bigger states. Each Directorate is under the command of an Officer equivalent to the rank of a Brigadier (being upgraded to the rank of Major General) or its equivalent from the other two Services. 

16. What is a NCC Group?

The Directorates are further sub-divided into Groups, which varies according to the size of the state, each under the command of an Officer equivalent to the rank of Colonel (being upgraded to the rank of Brigadier). In all, there are 95 Group HQ’s in the country. 

17. What is the composition of a NCC Group?

A Group consists of NCC Battalions, Air Force & Naval units. Other than the Group Commander, each Group HQ has an Administrative Officer and a Training Officer with ranks of either a Lieutenant Colonel or a Major. 

18. What is a NCC unit and what is its composition?

The Groups are further sub-divided into Battalions, each commanded by a Lt Col or its equivalent from the other two Services, and an Officer of the rank of Lieutenant Colonel or Major as the Administrative Officer. Each Battalion also has a number of Junior Commissioned Officer’s (JCO’s) and Non-Commissioned Officer’s (NCO’s) known as “Permanent Instructors ( PI) Staff”, senior-most JCO being of the rank of Subedar Major.

19. What is the student in NCC known as?

A student enrolled into NCC is referred to as a “Cadet” [Section 6 of Act XXXI of 1948 refers

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