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Tips to Complete Thal Sainik Camp ( TSC ) By Ncc Story

Tips to Complete Thal Sainik Camp

( TSC ) By Ncc Story

tips for tsc nccstory

Hi everyone today we are going to important tips to complete TSC , so lets get started
For Thal sainik Camp, a cadet is trained in eight subjects.
  • Obstacle race-individual and group
  • shooting-snap and advanced
  • Judging distance
  • Health and hygiene
  • Field signals
  • Map reading
  • Tent pitching
  • Line area
I am going to discuss about each in sequence.
  1. For obstacle race, have great stamina, torso strength and strong core. You can start running 5 km within 20 minutes. Further, increase resistance using ankle weights for short runs. Since, one obstacle is climbing up a wall. Most cadets take time here. If you can make others’ weakness your strength, then you could save 4–5 seconds here. Bring push ups and pull ups in your daily routine along with core exercises. You can give plyometrics a shot.
  2. Second is shooting. The more is the stability in your hand after carrying weights, the better your shooting will be. Good torso strength will definitely give you an edge over others. To improve stability especially in standing position, do musketry. For this, hold a brick each in both hands and stretch your arms sideways making a “T” shape. Hold the position for a minute. Repeat the exercise 10 times. Further go on adding more reparations to your sets or increase your sets.
  3. Judging distance is purely field work. All you can do before Tsc is be familiar with Cadets’ handbook.
  4. Health and hygiene-TSC involves tiring schedule leaving no time to sleep. We(my friends and I) used to pay full attention in health and hygiene class(though everyone feels sleepy) and sleep once we reach the barrack and on our way to firing range. This way you need not to sacrifice your sleep for health and hygiene. To save even more time, prepare health and hygiene before hand using cadets’ hand book. At least read it once. This will end up saving a lot of time.
  5. Field signals-It is easiest of all. Very easy to remember. But no one told us that field signals is more about drill, command, loudness, confidence and chatki. Because everyone knows the signals, drill makes all the difference.
  6. Map reading-Two categories will be there, land-to-map and map-to-land. S. M. sir will train cadets well. Just have a brief knowledge about the same.
  7. Tent pitching-Strength and speed makes all the difference. It is fun. Prepare strategy keeping heights in mind. Bonding, cooperation and clarity are time savers.
  8. Line area-This is one funny thing. I could never know the concept behind this. It is about keeping your barrack dust-free(well, that’s good) , bed sheet crease-free to such an extent that one has to sleep either on ground or on other beds. A lot of painting is to be done on the floors.
Tip: Clean the floor properly prior to painting otherwise paint will peel off.
Very Important tip: Please clean your rifles well. Other directorates keep their rifles grease free and do not use that primitive iron rod method to clean. Thanks to a cadet from Andhra Pradesh who cleaned my rifle just before the competition.I believed my rifle was not clean until the cadet cleaned it.
I hope I have done justice to your question. For any further query, comment or ping. Will be happy to help.
All the best for TSC!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

its helpfull

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