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rank ncc nccstory

ArmyAir ForceNavy
Senior Under Officer (S.U/O)Cadet Senior Under Officer (CSUO)Senior Cadet Captain
Under Officer (U/O)Cadet Under Officer (CUO)Cadet Captain
Company Quarter Master Sergeant (CQMS)Cadet Warrant Officer (CWO)Petty Officer (PO Cadet)
ArmyAir ForceNavy
SergeantCadet Sergeant (C/Sgt)Leading Cadet
CorporalCadet Corporal (C/Cpl)Cadet Class I
Lance CorporalLeading Flight Cadet (LF/c)Cadet Class II
CadetFlight Cadet (F/c)Cadet
JD boys and JW girls are given ranks up to sergeant. Only SD boys and SW girls are given ranks above sergeant.

ncc rank ncc story


Associate NCC Officer

ANO is an important link in the NCC organization between the BN and the cadets. As amatter of fact, ANO is the feeder node of NCC since he / she is the one who is in direct contact with the cadets all throughout the year. There are two training establishments namely Officers Training Academy, Kamptee and Women Officers Training School, Gwalior. These two institutions train the school and college teachers selected to head the company/troop. Courses in these institutions range from 21 days to 90 days in duration.
Associate NCC Officers are given following ranks according to their seniority and their training.

Ncc ano ncc story

  • For colleges (in charge of SD & SW):

  1. Major
  2. Captain
  3. Lieutenant

  • For schools (in charge of JD & JW (equivalent commissioned Officer)):

  1. Chief Officer
  2. 1st Officer
  3. 2nd Officer
  4. 3rd Officer

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